ghealach u
First challenge! I work at a very active job, of a sort where 10k steps a day is easy, and regular diving (similar to scuba) is a thing. I got down to 135ish just from working in the first few months (been there 3 yrs), but that crept back up funny, I also lost 2 pant sizes (10 to 6 in same brand/type), but I still mostly fit into those same pants. It all in the donut right now, I guess.
Beyond work, I gotten back into yoga. Trying Dirty Yoga program (as of last week), so we see how much that helps. And I just need to eat less junk food : ) Hope this challenge keeps me honest!
If you can find space, you might have the best time if you can volunteer where you would already want to spend time. Want to see video game panels, volunteer with them (not sure if they full yet, just an example). Want to see art, same idea. The catch it, at least with the tracks, the more popular the topic, the fewer open canada goose outlet nyc spots there are to volunteer. Others have mentioned the most likely candidates for openings. I do TechOps, and very much like my location and tasks (even the worst of it gives great stories later, and the people I with are family) I have Canada Goose online missed panels I wanted to see, but I get to see others I might not have bothered to wait for that turn out to be awesome!
You might be able to contact people before the next meeting, if you feeling eager. There were announcements somewhere (Facebook? Twitter? here?) before the last meeting about groups that needed help, you might start there. 24 points submitted 1 month ago
I would probably stop coming to con if I wasn behind the scenes. It just that interesting, that much fun, adds that much to my con, to be someone who part of making things happen.
The way I seen it over the years, there are two broad categories of people who volunteer. Either they want the badge, or they want to help.
Absolutely nothing is wrong with just wanting the badge. It totally fine. The problem comes when canada goose outlet in usa you haven thought through what you stepping up for.
I long since lost count of the first time volunteers I bump into here and there and everywhere who thought it would just be a few hours canada goose clearance of hanging out and basically nothing more. That the badge was just a kind of thank you that wouldn cost them canada goose coats any real commitment.
If you sign canada goose outlet store up for Security, you going to be helping manage lines and watching doors. If you like people watching, it a great department to be in; but if you not willing to sit on a door for four hours at a time, you going to think it a drag.
If you come into TechOps, we going to need you to help us hump gear around or run to find someone or fetch something. If you the person everyone comes to for fixing audio or making the game show up on the monitor, you fit right in.
If you on a panel staff, you can be someone who helps organize and put on the content of the panel. If you going to not want to help unload stuff from the Director car into the room, for example, or are someone who doesn really like to go to panels in the first place, you not going to have a good time working a panel.
Dealer Room needs people to watch the hall. Art show needs people to enforce the photography rules and make sure nothing damaged. Walk of Fame has hordes of people eager and determined to get their moment with That One Awesome cheap canada goose Celebrity to have a picture taken or book signed; and some order has to be maintained. Parade, well, yeah there a lot that goes into the Parade. Same for Masquerade.
It like herding cats. Drunk cats. Drunk Viking cats a lot of the time, come to think of canada goose outlet jackets it.
Basically, a lot of people who just want the badge aren really ready, haven really thought through, that there going to be a canada goose outlet toronto factory bit of work involved. Most of the folks supervising are nice, they friendly, they know we all here to have fun. but things still have to get done. The door still Canada Goose Coats On Sale has to have someone canada goose outlet sale checking badges; the gear still has to get canada goose outlet shop set up; the panels still need warm bodies.
That Canada Goose Jackets what drives a lot of first timer “want the badge” people away. When they realize that they can just show up and goof off for a few hours here and there, and skip having to pay. That there are tasks your fellows with the badge are expecting, hoping, you pitch in on.
The people who want to help generally don have canada goose outlet black friday that kind of problem. They show up ready to participate in being part of the solution, to whatever problems arise.
There are always problems. It one of the things I treasure most about con, even if it won be funny until afterwards. Sometimes well afterwards.
It always eventually funny, which is what I tend to remember first these days when “um why is James Marsters being groped on stage by a female fan” or “who told Slymenstra she could fire breathe. shit did the Hyatt people see that?” things happen. It even funny when it something as impossible as “we got five minutes to clear the stage of all the music stuff so Rocky Horror canada goose clearance sale can start on time.”
Fixing problems is fun. Being someone who is not only allowed, but expected, to step in and solve things is just fun. Satisfying. Rewarding.
Not all heroes wear capes, even at DragonCon. Sometimes they wear kilts. Sometimes they wear corsets. Sometimes they have blue hair, or devil horns, or are covered in rainbow glitter and carrying a My Little Pony wand. Sometimes they even entirely ordinary, people who look just like you canada goose black friday sale and me.
The difference is they stand up when something needs fixing. They don look around for someone else to handle it. canada goose factory outlet They don ask “who going to take care of that.” They come forward, they figure things out, they make whatever it is happen, so everyone con can go forward.
Each and every event at con has canada goose outlet parka had dozens upon dozens upon dozens of hours put in by lots of people getting it to that moment where the moderator or lead panelist or whoever stands up at a microphone cheap canada goose uk that works and says “welcome to the blah blah blah panel/event at DragonCon YEAR.”
There are people on staff who predate the change in terminology to “volunteer.” Some of those people have staffed the con for decades. We know each other. We know in jokes and “no shit” situations that go back into the 00s, into the 90s, even into the 80s.
It really fun cheap canada goose having that kind of lineage, that shared experience. There a whole layer of history that just fun to be a part of.
A journey of a thousand miles happens by putting one foot in front of the other. Every year we write new Canada Goose Online stories into the behind the scenes history DragonCon Book of “No Shit, There We Were When.”
Want to read some of the new pages in the book? Take some steps with us. Only a few of us bite. But even those will generally offer you a drink after the nibble.