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Districts are empty because nobody cares about them. They care about the houses themselves. You can make people care about the districts the same way you can make people care about the cities. It is not discriminatory like saying you wouldn date Black People for example because weight is actually something you can change and control, except maybe if you have some medical conditions. She had the red and black plaid pants and cat ears on at the bar and everything. She was actually very attractive and had a fucking smoking body..

Sometimes out of self defense, but sometimes not. People who want it for self defense wouldn’t mind having to pass the checks and balances to own a tool for taking life. People who just want guns because “muh second amunmunt” are people that just don’t get it, in my book.

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Get reddit premiumRant: Anyone have friends pushing that “It Works” MLM crap??? Everytime I see their posts my heart breaks. If you like the products, that wonderful for you, but I hate all the lies that come with some products (sprinkle this powder on food and the fat magically won be digested by you!), and just the whole “this is what you click here for more info need to get thin”. The kicker is, this woman was a healthy weight to begin with!!! She was NEVER overweight, but she acting like this stuff canada goose uk size chart came in and changed her life because she lost ten lbs taking their stupid coffee (and I sure it had NOTHING to do with the extra exercise she was doing or the meal skipping).