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It not as bad as the 40s and 50s when coal pollution (everyone used coal for fuel) produced smog canada goose uk got so bad that in 1952 the city was covered for several days killing 5000 (more recent research says 12,000) people directly and making another 100,000 ill.It was so thick it was less than a meter visibility. Driving was impossible, even ambulance canada goose youth uk service was suspended and railways resorted to using percussion caps instead of visual signals, concerts and theatres had to cancel because it seeped inside and reduced visibility indoors.It resulted in the 1956 Clean Air Act. Which was the first proper curb on pollution, and came with a whole bunch of incentives for homeowners to upgrade canada goose bird uk from coal fires to gas or oil based central heating.
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The name of the game for a hospital is throughput get the patient out safely as quickly as possible so you can begin care on the next patient.At skilled nursing facilities and long term care facilities (and other post acute care facilities), you are compensated based on the number of days the patient is cared for, until their maximum day is allowed. You lose money on negative quality metrics, but you don’t lose money for them staying too long. There is no “too long”.