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Seriously why are people so big now?!Midnight_Rising28M 5 SW: 220 CW: 145 GW: 135 9 points submitted 14 days agoIt obscene how bad this has all gotten. Pulled up a LOVESEAT as a desk chair? What the fuck? At my absolute heaviest I looked like the Pillsbury dough boy crossed with Danny devito and I still could sit in my office chair.Yeah, people talk about canada goose clearance how thin/attractive women are so much more likely to get hired but honestly not anymore. Your manager seems super threatened by skinnier women.

Not the most polite. Big shout out to the love for Shining Force 3, one of my all time favourite game series! I do have a question about your role how honest are you actually allowed to be with us? I notice, for example, that you’ve not replied Canada Goose Online to any comment in this thread that mentioned red stars, which is a major hot button issue among the community (because account progression tied solely to RNG that can basically render all other forms of progression basically irrelevant isn’t actually FUN, especially because of the backwards nature of the progression). Do you have any plans to discuss this issue with the development team?.

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