All the subtle and not so subtle height related comments

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You can feel it as a tall lady walking into a date (I always wore heels on a first date to weed them out). The “holy crap” look when they first see you, even though you explicitly stated your height IN HEELS on your dating profile. All the subtle and not so subtle height related comments peppered in throughout the date.

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My niece knows I don’t mess around and that of all the people in the house I’m the most stubborn and unflinching. She also knows if she can logically justify doing something I’ll let her do it. If she’s acting like a turd and I’m in charge her punishment will be exacting and complete further bad behavior gets further punishment.

And if she flirting that much that its weighing you guys down, 100% no contact is the only solution. No homework help, he has to lose her number and explain to her that they can longer be friends or have any associations. No friendly hellos, no contact at all.