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We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well and you have to be proactive and, you know, you really help people sort of change their mind automatically,” Trump told the questioner. “You understand, you have to have, in my opinion, I see what’s going on here, I see what’s going on in Chicago, I think stop and frisk. In New York City it was so incredible, the way it worked.

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3 points submitted 11 days agoI felt the same way for awhile after initially listening to these books and recognizing the same points you brought up OP.had a shift in opinion for some reason, canada goose outlet las vegas but it made me much more accepting of the changes and jarring character shifts:My thoughts come from both the implications of events/emotions described in the text itself, and more fourth wall literary ideas/guesswork/head canon. Here are the main text specific events for both Horus and canada goose on sale for black friday Fulgrim descents from glory (Though I listened to the audiobooks and I both don have page numbers, nor do I remember the specific chapters these occurred):Horus reaction to the outbreak of hostilities between the Sons of Horus and the Interex made him seem in genuine anguish at the outcome.He buy canada goose jacket cheap wasn necessarily angered, cheap Canada Goose so he instead lamented and yelled “This is wrong! This is all wrong!” I feel that Horus himself felt betrayed and that he was (irrationally) at fault. Horus canada goose outlet in toronto was so greatly obsessed with bringing the Interex into the Imperium, to preserving them as children brought in from the cold of the Old Night, that he canada goose freestyle vest uk was willing to overlook the Interex incorporation of multiple alien species as equals despite how at odds this was with the tenants of the Great Crusade, He thought he could convince the Emperor to soften his stance, such was his desire to preserve them.Horus seemed genuinely fascinated with the Interex culture.

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