One concern for the Louisiana officials is that a market for skulls might lead to grave robbing of Native American burial sites, prohibited under the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act. Although 38 states have laws prohibiting the purchase of human remains to some extent, enforcement of the laws is spotty, particularly when they don’t require documentation to prove the legal origin of a skull. That’s largely because the public still sees buying a dead person’s skull as harmless “curio collecting,” the study concluded, rather than a ghoulish hobby that might spur grave robbing..
The position of Governor of Paris Women’s Wigs , held by a duke 24 Inch Hair, was purely ceremonial, as was the position of the Provost of Paris, earlier held by a leading merchant 26 Inch Hair, but in the early 18th century by a nobleman. Their powers were shared with the Intendant of Paris, a high noble with rather vague duties, the Bureau of the City, the Procureur General of the Parliament, the Civil Lieutenant of the Chtelet, and the Secretary of State of the King’s Household, who had the title “Minister of Paris”, but reported to the Controller General of Finances. The position of Lieutenant General of Police of Paris was created in 1667, and given to Gabriel Nicolas de la Reynie, the first police chief of the city, and he became a sort of Vice Minister.
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