That not to say that I would be opposed to EF carrying them

On Tuesday , June 19, Shell’s consultants had several teams begin screening within a one mile radius of the hunting camp to check for methane gas and sample any private drinking water wells potentially impacted. That screening continued yesterday, June 20, within a one mile radius of the three Shell gas well pads in the area. Shell is conducting further investigation and operations on their nearby well pads.

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For example, I’ve been a renter all my life and would love to own a house. Owning my own house is something I’d say seems like a big positive. But if I wasn’t ready to do that well, it might not turn out to be a good thing at all. Can’t see how this game won’t get super boring after a couple weeks unless leveling up unlocks more than just tougher enemies and better perks or they add a ton to the game (which they may well do, haven’t read much about their future plans). As of now, it just feels like a huge world with not much to do. I knew what the game would be going into it, but I guess I didn’t realize how empty a world with no NPCs can feel.

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