[S2 v4]Cheerful and positive, “Outer” (, Omote) Moka[6] is

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cheap swimwear Moka is described as having two distinct personalities. The outer one manifests when she is wearing her rosary, while her inner one comes out when the rosary is removed.[S1 v1] Some exceptions are made when she employs various magic canceling objects such as Lilith’s mirror which reveals a monster’s true nature,[S1 v10] and the Belmont Whip, which when wrapped around part of her body, cancels out the rosary’s power.[S2 v4]Cheerful and positive, “Outer” (, Omote) Moka[6] is introduced in the series as a teenage vampire girl with long pink hair. At her debut in Yokai Academy’s high school, she is immediately revered for her natural good looks and her academic ability, having placed in the teens (out of several hundred students) on one of their exams.[S1 v1] Although she is good natured and kind, she possesses some naivety that draws her into problematic situations. cheap swimwear

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