

“There should be equilibrium of materiality and spirituality.” To keep the spirit of these words afresh, a huge Padyatrawas organized from Maninagar to Naranpura (Ahmedabad) at the instance and under the guidance of Gurudev Shri Yogabhikshuji. The Abbot of the prominent Jagannath Temple of the Ahmedabad city came to grace the occasion and Prof. Bhagvatiprasad Pandya took the first stride of the march. Becoming people to participate in the march, he commended the effort and proclaimed –

“Till now, we used to hear about such procession being taken out to achieve various goals, but by setting a spiritual goal for this ‘Padyatra’, Yogabhikshuji attained a unique distinction. Words betray me in singing his pean. All I can say is he is like Avdhoot Dattatreya.”

Mr. Mohanlal Patel (former Principal of Gujarat Vidyapith) was overwhelmed. Lending a fitting finale to the hugely successful Padyatra he, in his fake watches flowery speech acclaimed such activities explaining their significance for uplifting the society.

Environment-Purifier and Diseases-Eradicator Yajna

Under the auspices of Gurudev Yogabhikshuji, more than one thousand Gayatri-Maruti Havan Yajna were performed in various villages and cities with a view to purify environment and eradicate some of the diseases.  The flow of Gurudev’s holy speeches continued on these auspicious occasions. A rationale of the art of living was the chief characteristic of these speeches.

To invoke the rain-God in the crisis-ridden time of draught a ‘Meghchumbak Mahaghrut Yajna (Yajna that attracts rain in the region where particles of the sacred materials offered to the holy flames of ‘Havan’ get spread in its minutest form) was conducted, thanks to the inspiration of Gurudev and efforts of the well-wishers of Aum Parivar. To accomplish this massive task an appeal was made on 27/05/1988 to the citizens of the country to lit a lamp of ghee, prepared from cow milk, and keep it burning for 24 hours. The response of the people was very encouraging. The God almighty showered his bliss and the rain-God relented, filling the earth with prosperity.

‘Jap-Yajna’ (chanting the name of deity) of numerous kinds are also being performed to get rid of the world of evil-intent. Two notable instances are Ahmedabad and Umreth where non-stop Gayatri Jap-Yajna were performed for 30 and 24 days respectively under the title “The World Evil Pacifying Yajna”.

Liberation from Addiction

The ultimate worthiness of the human birth lies in achieving salvation. To attain salvation, a pure, healthy and energetic mind is a pre-requisite. Only a strong body can enshrine an energetic mind.