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And then not bring in random new characters canada goose online uk to confuse people, and choose which plots to leave behind and take up.So I agree that the root causes of the bad writing are different they are both canada goose store flawed.D because they lost good source material to base it on except an canada goose outlet vancouver ever broadening mess and a rough draft from GRRM they could not trust leading to them making some questionable choices in an attempt to maintain canada goose careers uk the pace and shock factor of the first few seasons.GRRM because he cannot and will not plan his books ahead of time he “discovers” his books. canada goose sale uk mens Which is fantastic wor world building and beginnings, but absolutely awful for actually finishing a coherent narrative.GRRM got lost in the depth of his own creation. My mind goes back to that article where D mention that they are lucky no one wanted out before their time (Natalie Dormer wanted to move on early someone said, but it was the season before she went kaboom anyways), got hurt/maimed, or died.