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Working collaboratively with other organizations helps even that out for everyone involved. It allows us to know when a client is trying to bounce quotes between multiple agencies trying to get a deal we don put up with that shit. Also allows us to give each other a heads up about a client who is batshit crazy / didn pay their invoice / etc..
I make soaps for friends/family for gifts. I started out with really decorative molds, but for most people I had to switch to plain squares because they won use the pretty ones because they too pretty. Only my grandma (she grew up in the Depression) is practical enough to use soap no matter how fancy it is, so she gets to enjoy the pretty ones until the patterns wear off :).
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They ran a pretty tight ship at wpd and anything against the rules was shut down quick. They still nuked the sub tho. That’s what pissed me off the most. The last campaign I worked on was Ted Cruz because he was the last true resistance to a Donald Trump presidency. Trump ran one of the most bare bones presidential campaigns ever. Thus, not a lot of consultants and outside help were hired on to his campaign in 2016)..
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