Late game units either have be absurdly powerful (like the KT

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As if calling someone hysterical would dismiss what you did wrong. I recorded him admitting what he said, but blaming my daughter for not taking a joke, and how he sees so many vaginas throughout the day, he was just making an observation. Fuck you and fuck your shitty comments to an underage girl..

Yesterday (Thurs) 5:15pm. Next door neighbour sister knocked on my door, worried, canada goose outlet hong kong asking when I seen him last. I last seen him (briefly) Monday evening putting rubbish out. It canada goose chilliwack bomber black friday costed like a heavy tank, and while it has great armor, health, and speed (it better armored than the Panther), you be better off with a Centaur for AI and a Firefly for AT (or even just a Churchill, that thing is a beast).Late game units either have be absurdly powerful (like the KT, Tiger, and to a lesser extent the Pershing) or really good at one thing to justify their cost. And honestly, most heavy canada goose expedition parka uk tanks are not meta in 1v1s (except the call ins as a way to deal with being behind in tech) because they not cost efficient. The KT might be game winning when you canada goose outlet online uk call it in, but sitting on all that fuel for however many minutes might lose you the game before that even happens.

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