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Picture: Markus Schreiber/APSource:APNearly every day for years, Margot Wolk was presented with beautifully prepared meals.It was during the final years of World War II in Poland and very few people had the luxury of eating at all, let alone having fresh meals brought right to them.But Ms Wolk buy canada goose jacket dreaded every meal she had to eat.She was so terrified that she would have to hold back tears through each mouthful wondering if it would be her last.This was the daily reality for her and the 14 other women tasked with tasting the meals prepared for Adolf Hitler to ensure they weren poisoned.Ms Wolk kept her time working as Hitler taste tester a secret for 70 years until she reached the age of 95 and decided to share her story.The house was less than three kilometres away from Hitler first Eastern Front military headquarters, which was ominously dubbed Woldsschanze, or Wolf Lair.Shortly after her arrival, Ms Wolk was told by the mayor she had been chosen as one of the 15 women recruited by the SS to become a taste tester.All her life the young woman had resisted against the Nazis. When she was younger she had refused to join the League of German Girls, the female version of the Hitler Youth.Her father had also been punished when he refused to join the Nazi Party.Now buy canada goose jacket cheap she had found herself forced into protecting the man she despised and feared.food was always vegetarian, she told Berlin RBB television channel during an interview in 2014.were constant rumours that the British were out to poison Hitler. He never ate meat.
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