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People do fucked up things every single day. A lot are not as bad, a lot are worse, and a lot are waaaaay worse. All are fucked up things to do to another person/people. Well Thug boy, that makes $10 an hour, maybe being a veteran, though it involves possibly being shot at or blown up, would have been a better option for you. You don know what this guy is facing, you want to believe that you know everything about him and assume he a choosy beggar. Maybe he frustrated.
As a USA guitar maker, I really really want them to succeed and be great. They a legacy brand and icon and completely fucking it up. I hope the new brass sees this and takes a heavy hand to getting it right. Yes you can as long as he is distinguishable from any other chaplains you might be running. I used my jump pack chaplain as Lemartes for quite a while until I got the real model a few days ago. And saying that, I cannot understand how you cannot like the Lemartes model.