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cheap sex toys However, Stirling has no plans to move to LA permanently. “There’s a low budget, no budget film company that I want to work with,” she says. “I want to come back to do a movie with them. Fleming wanted Governor Oops to abandon the campaign trail, come home and crack down on Texas state cops for not arresting enough people out on the state’s highways who looked highly Mexican.So if people who look highly Mexican interpret that kind of stuff as unfriendly, are they just being oversensitive? In fact, wait: Don’t Republicans always think minorities are too sensitive for no good reason? Um, isn’t that pretty much part of the problem? OK, let’s move on. Senators, John Cornyn, who said a decision by the Justice Department to block enforcement of the Texas voter photo law, a decision later upheld by a federal appeals panel, “reeks of politics and appears to be an effort by the Department of Justice to carry water for the president’s re election campaign.”When the appeals court weighed in on the side of the DOJ, it found the Texas law would restrict minority voting and impose “strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor.” So, strict and unforgiving burdens: Are those just image problems?If you like this story, consider signing up for our email newsletters.SHOW ME HOWWhat about all these women? Why would they be worried about the GOP? Here in Texas, the GOP marches proudly beneath the virtual banner of Great Electric Dildo, the vagina wand that Republicans insist the state must stick inside any woman who asks for an abortion.Is any physical object that the government sticks way up inside the body of an actual person, female or male, a perception problem? Isn’t a government dildo way up inside your body pretty real? Is there any conceivable way to get a person to stop perceiving it as real? If so, wouldn’t that be even more scary?What is the Republican line on that one, again? “We have a sonogram law in Texas that values and protects life,” Perry spokeswoman Allison Castle said last year. “Governor Perry is proud of the steps we’ve taken in Texas to protect the unborn and ensure women have access to all the facts before making a life ending decision.”Sure cheap sex toys.