Musselman’s two sons, 10 year old Michael and 5 year old Matthew, play in the water with his new Kings coaching staff, the immediate family and the extended one getting along famously during this break from summer league action.And so Sunday’s crazed scene after Nevada’s crazed comeback win over Cincinnati to clinch a crazed Sweet 16 berth wasn’t something out of the ordinary. This was Musselman’s go to move.Coach Musselman rolled into the locker room with his shirt off because March. “I had a really expensive shirt on , and I had a good tie, and I work out every day because I’ve got a very, very, very beautiful wife, and so I have no problem taking my shirt off with the camera around.””I guess because my wife’s really, really good looking, I’ve got to try to stay in as good as possible shape as I possibly can,” he told Patrick.His son the 5 year old mentioned above, who is now a high school junior grabbed a pen and signed dad’s chest.
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