Sure, G1 Grogar was a necromancer and sure Big Jim Miller said

I don lend my knife to anyone, unless the situation indicates it be used as a knife, for example at a picnic or at lunch. I use a fountain pen, so I don like letting anyone use it. I had to have customs nibs remade twice, after people dig through the paper using the same force as a ballpoint.

For the upcoming test, we decided to adjust the spawn rate of Erangel a little more boldly, lowering the spawn amount of pistols, magazines, and grenades, while increasing the amount of weapons and equipment that play an important role in the gameplay by about 10 20%. In addition, we will adjust the amount of item spawns by item category to a ratio similar to that of Sanhok. While it may be a big change, we want to adjust the spawn amount to feel better while maintaining the unique characteristics of Erangel.

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