When it rains it pours. We hope some good luck will start pouring down on Scott Magnuson, one of the owners of the Argonaut bar. Just a few weeks after a fire gutted the bar and vandals broke in and stole fixtures, DCist reports that someone stole $700 that was raised at a benefit for Magnuson on Thursday.
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I 17 years old and haven experienced anything sexual at all other then kissing. I get very curious sometimes but I never have enough guts to pursue my curiosity. I tried touching myself to see where I can go but usually not too far. After the questioning was done, the entertainer sat back in his chair, holding to his chest a slender cane that has been with him inside the courtroom each day. The jury filed out almost within arm’s reach of Andrea Constand, Cosby’s accuser. She stood respectfully, with a strained smile on her face.
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