You’d seal a food item into a metal container

Your native language does seem to change how you think of things. It one of the reasons I enjoyed that movie, Arrival, so much despite a lot of the hate it received from critics and viewers. I have a lot of respect for linguists, because if you can understand someone then how can you possibly truly look at something from their perspective?Man you went deep into that.

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If you want to skim, don fret about losing flavor though, that beef fat is still usable (though it won last as long as straight rendered tallow), and is imbued with all those delicious spices and aromatics, so it practically liquid gold. Roast up some potatoes tossed in it, saute some vegetables in it, fry some eggs, shit, warm it up and use it to make grilled cheese in lieu of butter. That fat might not be the best thing to leave in the rendang, but it not a loss if you skim it off, only if you pour it down the drain..

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I think you should try to get him active in some kind of local community, volunteering or a sports league or a hobby group. He needs more time around normal people and less time within the Q echo chamber. If he spends enough time around people who realize Q is a ludicrous troll/conspiracy instead of constantly reading posts by people who worship Q and drink in his canada goose clearance sale every eventually he may come to turn a more critical eye to the cult himself.

I don know if that photo is the best example because it not that her brows aren following the trend of dark, bold, Dipbrow style brows it that her brows are almost entirely nonexistent. It was almost certainly a deliberate artistic decision to omit them in order to contrast with the focus pulling lips, but we tend to find the lack of defined brows jarring because eyebrows are one of the most crucial facial cues for non verbal communication so it disorienting to see someone without them (fun fact, that why most movie monsters don have brows!). It even more jarring here because the bottom half of her face is defined by big dark shapes and shadows but from the browbone up, it so plain and flat in comparison so the mix of heavy multidimensional bottom + sparse, uniform top really highlights the absence of brows..

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